Last Friday, 18 October, Years 9 and 10 Fibres classes attended an excursion in Wynyard to view and explore textile sustainability at the Market and the Op Shops, and we finished the day at the Devonport Regional Gallery to see Paper on Skin.   

Bett Muchaziwepi and Maddisson Barry in Year 10 have written a review of the day.   

“We had a rocky start because the weather was not on our side, we started off with some shopping at the market in Wynyard. We visited a couple of thrift shops. Walking around the market was fun too actually because of the rain, I guess we adapted. After the shopping we made our journey over to the Devonport Regional Art Gallery where we saw Paper on Skin clothing presentations that were all beautiful as each design had its own story to tell. Personally, I liked all the pieces because I was marvelled at how much time, commitment and creativity it took all the artists to come up with such beautiful pieces. We were also told to vote for the art piece that each person wanted to win. After viewing all the art presentations, we were told to get in groups and create our own adaptation of paper on skin. Our group’s adaptation theme was flying because we made a cape with wings. We chose flying as a theme because in life you must fly high and let your dreams carry you.  This task was fun to do, and you could tell by the laughter that lingered in the room. In general, the excursion was a fun one, I learnt that fashion is derived from art, if you put your ideas up to use you can come up with something beautiful. You can be surprised by how a great dress can make you remember what is beautiful about life.” 


Ms Karina Lemon
Head of Food and Fibres Technology