From our Principal

22 October 2020, 2:54PM

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Dear College Community 

In this edition, I would like to take an opportunity to discuss some of our observations, including trends, future projects and focus. We are excited about the emerging projects and initiatives taking place.  

For 2021, we are seeing significant movements in our offerings at the College. These are outlined below: 

Learning Enrichment including Gifted and Talented Education  

We have advertised for an additional Learning Enrichment Coordinator from 2021. The primary role of these coordinators is to ensure that those students who need “more” in addition to the “core” we provide, are served with what is needed. This includes students at both ends of the learning continuum; those who require learning support, as well as those talented students who need to be extended. The new model will see one coordinator having oversight of the CYCLE Program (students requiring additional support), collaborating closely with Ms Denise Milburn, and the other coordinator, the Gifted and Talented portfolioAt this college, we have many exceptionally talented students. We want to bring a greater focus to this area and be very clear on our purpose and processes. Both staff will share the collaborative leadership of our fantastic support staff.  

Vocational Education and Training 

Next year, we are offering sixteen (16) VET courses, up from eleven (11) this year. We are excited about the direction we are headed to provide more opportunities, for more students. Our Senior College redevelopment will need to mirror the needs of our students, community and economic opportunities, as well as to create an environment that will help to at least sustain our outstanding academic results.  

Packages of Learning 

Full credit to Mrs Flynn and her Learning and Teaching team for having the courage and foresight to bring opportunities to our Year 10 students such as “Packages” for 2021Next year, we launch Architecture and Construction as our first Package, which will see our students learning in the core subjects of Maths, Science, English and HaSS through a building lense. We see this as an exciting opportunity for our students to be learning in a highly engaging platform. Further Packages will be launched in 2022 for Years 9 and 10. Our staff and many students are energised by this opportunity.  

Materials Design and Technology 

It has been a requirement for us to advertise for two MDT Teachers. Students are showing greater interest in the Metal space than previously, and we need highly skilled professionals with outstanding interpersonal skills to bring exciting opportunities to our students. Engineering is another Package and to bring another professional into this space” is a strategic move.   

How do we bring these opportunities to life for our students with the resources at our disposal 

We need resources to make these initiatives happen. The addition of Packages for Year 10 in 2021 will bring our class sizes down for this cohort. Last week, the College Finance Team were presented with a budget that balances. Traditionally our budget would see some surplus to meet strategic needs, however, our estimates at this point are conservative. There will be an increase in fees, as per most years. This is to be expected.  

At the same time, we offer assistance to families who require support. I often take the opportunity to share that as a student attending the College, I, too, received fee support; now it is my time on the other side of the Principal’s desk! Please see Ms Gabi Woods or myself, if you need support now or in the future.  

Class Sizes: How do ours compare at MRC?  

Our student to teacher ratio at the College is 11.65:1. Nationally, independent secondary schools have a ratio of 12.1:1, Catholic schools 13.9:1 and State schools 14.2:1. We are passionate about bringing what we can to our students with this low ratio.  

Upon Graduation, how have our students fared?  

In 2019, 95% of our Graduates last year achieved their TCE, much greater than the statewide attainment. Seven of our Year 12 students were accepted into Medicine at universities around the country. This year, 72 out of 99 students have been offered early entry to UTAS for 2021.  

It is in the area of apprenticeships that is showing the greatest movement. I am astounded by the volume of calls and emails we receive relating to regional businesses seeking our students to become apprentices at their respective workplaces. Why might this be the case? I’ll let you decide!  

Furthermore, we are exploring how we can make Catholic Education more sustainable for the young people of Circular Head. Did you know, we have approximately 80 students who travel a considerable distance every day to attend this college? Again, this is a sign that our contribution to the lives of our young people is highly valued in the regionIearly November, our Circular Head Project team will meet with our facilitator, Lynda Jones from The Noagroup, to explore the opportunities that exist for our students.  

We look forward to providing our community with opportunities to engage with us as we venture on our journey together and we remain committed to communicating with you throughout.  

In partnership 

Mr Gregg Sharman 
