It’s half time for 2020. To be honest, I’ve found it difficult to calibrate where we are on this 2020 journey. There’s a sense of fatigue, which exists at the end of each term, but also some loss of our bearings due to experiencing one of the most unusual terms ever. However, my conversations with staff have left me reassured that our students are where they need to be under these trying conditions.  

Our self-talk and mindset in challenging situations, particularly those of a dynamic and ambiguous nature such as a pandemic, requires effective thinking and behaviours.  

This week, many of our staff in positions of responsibility and leadership have engaged in professional learning relating to how we can most effectively think and behave. It is a combination of our thinking, behaviours, beliefs and values that determine the “feel” and spirit of our College. We call this our culture.  

Human Synergistics categorise the most effective ways of thinking in the following four areas or styles:  

  1. Achievement Based on the need to attain high-quality results on challenging projects, the belief that outcomes are linked to one’s effort rather than chance and the tendency to personally set challenging yet realistic goals. People high in this style think ahead and plan, explore alternatives before acting and learn from their mistakes. 
  2. Self-Actualising Based on needs for personal growth, self-fulfillment and the realisation of one’s potential. People with this style demonstrate a strong desire to learn and experience things, creative yet realistic thinking and a balanced concern for people and tasks. 
  3. Humanistic-Encouraging Reflects an interest in the growth and development of people, a high positive regard for them and sensitivity to their needs. People high in this style devote energy to coaching and counselling others, are thoughtful and considerate, and provide people with support and encouragement. 
  4. Affiliative Reflects an interest in developing and sustaining pleasant relationships. People high in this style share their thoughts and feelings, are friendly and cooperative and make others feel a part of things. 

You may notice that through these descriptions, Achievement, and even more so, Humanistic-Encouraging and Affiliative styles are very orientated towards people as opposed to task. People are at the centre of our work at this CollegeWe are focusing on building a culture of commitment, as opposed to being driven by compliance, fostering positive, trusting relationships.  

Even through harder conversations, we are supportive by making others aware of blind spots, helping to gain awareness and acceptance to move forward, together. 

Personally, I have enjoyed supporting others and exploring many opportunities for growth during this period. Very best wishes to you and your families through this mid-year break.  

In partnership  


Mr Gregg Sharman 

Acting Principal