With our learning completed for the term and for 2024, we can now all reflect on the year. The summer period is a great time to set goals for the upcoming year and think about the things we enjoyed about school over the previous year, and what we might like to keep the same or do differently in the year ahead. Almost all our student results are finalised, and we are now waiting to receive TASC results for our Year 11 and 12 students. Best of luck to all awaiting those results!
Personally, I’ve had a great experience over the last two weeks in the Acting Deputy Principal Learning & Teaching role to finish up the year. Thanks to the staff, students and parents I’ve worked with during this time to make it such a valuable time of learning for me. I hope everyone has a restful summer and returns to MRC feeling rejuvenated and ready to go in 2025!
Student End of Year Reports are now available through M.E.L. You will have received a letter via email explaining how to access these. This letter also explains the achievement levels and overall reporting process. If you have any queries, please first check your student’s feedback on M.E.L. and then directly contact the subject teacher. If you have further concerns, then please contact the Deputy Principal Learning & Teaching. With any queries, please be mindful that our teaching staff finished up on Friday, 13 December.
The Reports portal on M.E.L. will only be open until Wednesday 18 December, if you need access to your student’s report after this date, please contact the Front Office on 6432 7600.
Evening of Excellence
In line with our finalisation of student reports, staff have begun to organise the awards to be given out at our Evening of Excellence in early Term 1, 2025. Students winning awards will receive their invitations in the mail in the coming weeks.
2025 Information
Students in Years 7-10 undertook transition days last week, which was beneficial in meeting and getting some further information from the YLC Co-ordinators and PCG staff for their Year Levels for next year. If you have any questions that have been raised through this transition process, please get in touch with the appropriate Year Level Co-ordinators.
If your child is not intending to return to the College in 2025 and you have not notified us, could you please do so by contacting enrolments@mrc.tas.edu.au or 6432 7600.
2025 Year Level Coordinators
Year 7 – Mrs Helen Cox and Mr Tim King: hcox@mrc.tas.edu.au / tking@mrc.tas.edu.au
Year 8 – Mr Damien Gale: dgale@mrc.tas.edu.au
Year 9 – Mr Jack Filz: jfilz@mrc.tas.edu.au
Year 10 – Mr Toby Skene and Mrs Lauren Shivvaan: tskene@mrc.tas.edu.au / lshivvaan@mrc.tas.edu.au
Senior College – Mr Stephen Eddington and Mrs Renee French: seddington@mrc.tas.edu.au / rfrench@mrc.tas.edu.au
Mrs Sarah Farrow
Acting Deputy Principal: Learning & Teaching