Welcome back to another school year. Thank you to all who were able to celebrate 2022 at our Evening of Excellence during the week and we look forward to another successful year ahead.  


Marist e-Learning (MEL) is our online information platform for you to keep up to date with your child’s progress. We have recently launched a “Marist Regional College” MEL app that you are able to download for a more accessible way to access MEL. Throughout 2023, we will be transitioning the majority of our parent communication to MEL and the new app. Some forms of communication will remain via email and post; however, when bulk messages are required, this will be done via MEL rather than SMS. For those without a smart phone, these same messages are still accessible by logging into MEL on another device. 

Also on the MEL app, you will be able record student absences, have access to student reports, class specific feedback, students’ due work, students’ timetables, the College calendar, our newsletter ‘The Marist Star’ and other important College information. 

Because of the app, parents will no longer receive the MEL digest email as these notifications will now come through the app. If you would prefer the digest to the mobile notifications, you can change this setting in your personal settings on MEL. 


Next week you will receive a letter outlining our reporting schedule for this year. This will include Term One Progress Reports and Summative Reports at the end of Term Two and Four for Year 7-10 students. Senior College students will receive Term One Progress Reports and Summative Reports at the end of Term Two.  


We welcome to the College Miss Bobbi-Jo Bailey who will be working closely with me in the role of Director of Curriculum and Pedagogy. We look forward to having her expertise at the College as we will be transitioning to V9.0 of the Australian Curriculum in 2024 so there is much work to be done in preparation for this. 

2023 NAPLAN 

Dates and times are listed below for all Year 7 and Year 9 students for the NAPLAN tests which will be held in March this year.   

Date  Test  Year 7  Year 9 
Wed 15 March Day 8    Writing  Period 5/6  Period 3/4  
Thurs 16 March Day 9  Reading  Period 3/4   Period 1/2 
Fri 17 March Day 10    Language Conventions  Period 1/2  Period 3/4  
Mon 20 March Day 1    Numeracy  Period 1/2  Period 3/4 


Mrs Emily Sass 

Deputy Principal: Learning & Teaching