MEL Feedback is a form of continuous reporting, in real time, on your child’s progress. The capacity for students and parents to access annotated student work, assessment rubrics and feedback comments is vastly more informative than the restrictive summary comments typically offered in a semester report. 

Instead of a Term One Progress Report, teachers will provide feedback on students ‘Application and Attitude’ via MEL towards the end of Term One (Thursday, April 1). This will provide information regarding your child’s application to their work, what he/she is doing well and where improvements may be required to enhance learning outcomes.  All parents are most welcome and encouraged to attend Parent-Teacher Meetings in Term Two, however, if you and your child are required to attend to discuss specific concerns, the teacher will indicate this at the bottom of the comment – PLEASE ATTEND A PARENT-TEACHER MEETING IN TERM TWO TO DISCUSS YOUR CHILD’S PROGRESS’. 

  • In Term One, teachers will provide a minimum of one item of detailed feedback. This item will either be relating to a piece of work or a comment in ‘Application and Attitude’ as detailed above.  You can access MEL Feedback via the MEL Parent Portal. 
  • In Terms Two and Three, teachers will provide a minimum of two items of detailed feedback in response to Common Assessment Tasks.  
  • In Term Four, teachers of students in Years 7-10 will provide a minimum of two items of detailed feedback in response to Common Assessment Tasks.  
  • Teachers of students in Senior College and of Year 10 students studying TASC courses, will provide one item of detailed feedback, typically indicating the internal awards for relevant course criteria. 

You can access this feedback via the MEL Parent Portal. 


Mr Wayne Gale 

Acting Deputy Principal Learning & Teaching