Proverbs 23:24: “The father of a righteous son will rejoice greatly, and one who fathers a wise son will delight in him.” 


Proverbs 17:6: “Children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.” 


Luke 15:20: “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” 


My great-grandmother (1886 – 1968) lived with me and my mother’s parents (1910 – 1976, and 1913 – 1991) off and on during my childhood, and of course, I was privileged to have shared that childhood with grandparents who loved me. My dad’s mum (1898 – 1955) died soon after my birth, but my grandfather, Ned, born in 1891 lived until 1982. My mother (1931 – 2011) and father (1928 – 1976) were the best parents a child could have asked for. My sons (twins, 1985) and daughter (1990) are our treasures – as are our grandchildren (beginning in 2012). Toni and I both have a living memory of our great-grandparents and our grandchildren. A blessed memory of six generations.   

As Father’s Day approaches, I remember the devoted dad and loving husband my dad was. From him, in particular, I received gentleness, patience, being slow to judge, cautious in decision-making, being a constant presence without being overwhelming – and musicianship. Most of all, my father modelled faithfulness – in his love of his family, and of the Church. My dad died young. He was the father of 11. Ten of those were sports fanatics. The missing one was me. Dad coached my rugby team at primary school and encouraged us all to be fit, to be team members and to do our best. You cannot underestimate the power of good, sound and loving parenthood. We got the (very) occasional smack on the bottom, but far outweighing that was the constant gifting of hugs and kisses from both.   

I want to be around for my great-grandchildren, I want them to be connected to the generations of parents who did their best, who loved with open arms, who forgave and celebrated achievements and who passed on the light of faith – that great dads (and mums) are how we come to know God’s love. And, oh, how awesome must that love be. Toni and I are so blessed to have sons who are just the very best of dads. We could not be prouder.   

The scriptures are rich in images of fatherhood – of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, of Joseph, of Jesus’ acclamation of the God who loves us as ‘Abba’ – Daddy.    

Let us be grateful this Sunday for the extraordinary gift of dads.   


Mr Peter Douglas 

Director of Faith and Mission