Dear Families, 

How are your children going at school? Ongoing, formative assessment is key to any teacher’s success, and most importantly, will help inform your child’s learning. Over a period of time, this has been a significant area of development at MRC. As parents, summative assessment at the conclusion of a unit may have been the main form of assessment in any unit when we were students. Sure, summative assessment has its place and is important, however, finding the balance provides a more balanced picture of your child’s assessment.  

There is no doubt that at this mid-year point of the year, students are challenged with major assignments, and for some of our senior students, examinations in Week 11 of this Term. Our Year 10s will have their examination “experience” in September. I regularly ask students how they are doing around the College, particularly if I see tired eyes. I hope that our students are receiving the rest and balance they need. 

How is your child doing socially and emotionally? These are prerequisites for learning. Please reach out to your child’s Pastoral Care Group Leader or other key staff if you feel this is needed. Is physical activity what your child needs? Maybe some walking of an afternoon or evening, or maybe something more vigorous?  

Arguably, society’s most underrated health “domain” is that of the spiritual. There are lots of good apps that can be utilised for advancing our spiritual health. One of particular note is Tweeting with God. There are many facets to this app. I am not a huge advocate of social media or apps, but this is an excellent resource. As adults, maybe more quiet reflection is what we need?      

Prayer plays a significant role in the life of Marist Regional College. Our Faith is the foundation of our College. We hand our lives to our maker each day, with hope and trust that we are able to be inspired by His word, sacrament and our faith.   

There are not too many tough decisions we make without time in prayerful discernment. We consider our values, the faith and our College values, which are inspired by the Gospel and our founding charisms.  

Our College possesses a strong identity and understands “what matters most”. Unfortunately, at times, we can all deviate from our best selves. However, if our College values of Hospitality, Respect, Justice, Responsibility and Compassion are mutually endorsed and upheld, and are at the heart of all we do, we will be okay!  

Our College Assembly last week was so positive, and all items presented were a genuine celebration. The sense of connection in the Harcombe Centre was obvious and the staff contribution was brilliant. We thank our staff for providing the opportunities and hope that they feel a strong sense of reward from their service.  

Please see the opportunities that exist in this edition of the Star, as well as other pieces of important information for you and your child.    

In partnership,  


Mr Gregg Sharman 


Process for Extended Absence Approval 

In the case of lengthy (more than one week) and/or unforeseen absence, we require you to request permission from the Principal. Requests can be submitted via email to