Dear Marist Regional College Families, 

Welcome back for Term 3. Can you believe we are in August? Some say the years go more quickly as one becomes older; I must be getting old!  

Green and Gold colours swamped the College today as students and staff dressed in their Australian paraphernalia to embrace the Olympic spirit.  

You may have noticed in the news that the State Government is leading an Inquiry into Discrimination and Bullying in Schools. Catholic Education Tasmania has drawn attention to this matter by notifying all 38 of our Catholic schools. Each school has been invited to respond to this inquiry.  

Each fortnight, the College Captains and Vice Captains meet with me to discuss the College in many aspects, what they are noticing, their workloads, matters from the SRC for discussion and more!  

Last Friday, we took the opportunity to discuss a series of questions that were forwarded to our College from CET, for students of all ages, and I captured our SRC Executive responses.  

I felt it was worth sharing these with the community via this forum. There is no “sugar coating” the responses from our students; I expected candid responses, and I have a sense that what was shared was genuine within the safety of their peers, to the Principal. Please see below: 

I like my Marist Regional College because:  

  • It provides a breadth and diversity of subject options  
  • It is a supportive environment where the teachers make an effort  
  • It embraces diversity; every person is unique and has different interests, pursuits, and cultures etc. 

The best thing about my school is: 

  • A strong sense of community and belonging  
  • There are shared goals that work towards together, to bring to life  
  • That we have a contemporary approach to Catholic education that has “eyes looking forward, but our feet stand firmly on the grounds of tradition”  
  • We lead and learn through truth; the Gospel values inform our way of living and leading. 

The teachers at my school:  

  • Are enthusiastic in sharing their gifts of providing a holistic education 
  • Do their very best to provide and accommodate for varying student needs  
  • Include our subject matter experts, who are very knowledgeable and share this with others. 

I feel happy at Marist Regional College because: 

  • There are strong, positive, relationships that are evident between students and staff  
  • We have commonality and a strong identity, with each person accepted for who they are. 

I feel safe at Marist Regional College because: 

  • There is always support available irrespective of the issue at hand  
  • There are high expectations for all; these are clear, easily understood and can be followed 
  • The College values, rooted in the Gospel and the spirit of our founders, provide a guiding light which we consider as a “safety net”  
  • Religious Education, over the last six years, has provided the example of Jesus, which gives all members of the community model for living. 

In our school we are kind to each other because: 

  • We want the best for each other; there are differences between each person, but we strive to uphold the dignity of all 
  • Well-being is prioritised by all. 

Our College is far from perfect! There are always challenges, but I believe how these challenges are embraced together is what is important. Upon reflection, there wasn’t a question prompting what needs to change in the areas listed above. If I remember over the next fortnight, I will ask the students and come back to you.  

However, success often is founded in our Gospel values, which are made explicit in our community, are uncompromised, and guide our thinking and behaviours.  

Combine a strong identity, with policies and equitable resource allocation that are frequently reviewed, a rigorous and responsive curriculum built and delivered by committed staff, evidence-based best teaching practice, constructive and solution-based psychology and mindset when obstacles and challenges present, and we are going to achieve great things together in our College-parental partnership.  

Best wishes for a positive Term 3.  

Warm regards, 


Gregg Sharman