Dear Marist Regional College Families, 

Celebrating Excellence and Looking Ahead: Marist Regional College Updates 

As we move through the second half of the school year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the achievements of our students and the exciting events still to come. We recently celebrated our mid-year Outstanding Achievement Awards, recognising students who have shown outstanding academic performance as well as those who received Application to Study Awards.  

These awards embody what we ask of our students; to strive for excellence, commit to their studies, and always give their best effort. We are immensely proud of each student who was recognised. 

Looking ahead, we are eagerly anticipating our upcoming Feast Day on Friday, 23 August 2024. This is a significant event in our school calendar, a day where we come together as a community to celebrate our shared values and spirit. We encourage all students to be fully involved in this special day, which promises to be both meaningful and memorable. 

This week, we hosted our Subject Advice Night, an essential event for students as they navigate their pathways through Senior College. We hope it was a valuable experience for all attendees and provided the guidance needed for making informed decisions about future studies. 

In the coming weeks, we will begin reviewing applications for our Senior College Scholarships. This is an important opportunity for students to be recognised for their hard work, gifts, talents, and dedication. We look forward to reviewing the applications and awarding these scholarships to deserving recipients. 

On the cultural front, our students have been working hard on the production of Frozen Jr. If you haven’t had the chance to see it yet, we strongly encourage you to get along to one of the final performances tomorrow. Please contact the Burnie Arts and Function Centre (BAFC) for ticket information and don’t miss out on what has been an incredible show! 

Next Thursday, we will be hosting our Middle Years Science Fair at school. This event is always a highlight, showcasing the creativity, curiosity and scientific knowledge of our students. We look forward to seeing the innovative projects that our young scientists have been working on. 

As always, we thank our community; students, staff, and families, for their continued support and involvement in the life of the College. Let’s continue to work together as we navigate the remainder of the year with enthusiasm and dedication. 

Warm regards, 

Gregg Sharman