Year 10 & Year 11 Students: 2025 Subject Selection & Pathway Planning

We are committed to ensuring that your child has all the information they need to assist in their planning for the future. We know that this can be a stressful time for some, so we have broken these discussions over Term Two and the beginning of Term Three for Year 10s to assist them to feel confident with their subject selections for Senior College.  

Pathway Planning Interviews will be provided to Year 10 students and families (compulsory), and Year 11 students and families (optional), from Week 1 – 3 of Term Three.  

The purpose of the interview  

  • Provide an opportunity to discuss career options, pathways, and opportunities. 
  • Provide an opportunity for a more detailed and personalised explanation of the TCE and ATAR.  
  • Provide advice on TASC subject choices, including VET opportunities at Marist Regional College. 

Online bookings will go live: Friday 5 July at 9.00am. Booking details will be communicated separately. 

Families can access the digital version of the Senior College Subject Selection Guide here:  

Mid-Year Reports 

Mid-Year reports for Years 7-10 are now available via the Parent MEL Portal ( or the MEL app. Senior College reports will be available on Tuesday 30 July; however, Senior College parents are welcome to book Parent-Teacher interviews prior to reports being issued.  

Your username for MEL is in the format of surname.firstname. If required, your password can be reset from the MEL login page (you need a valid mobile number and email address on record with the school to do this). 

Once logged in, you can access your child’s report via the “Academic Reports” button. 

Interpreting the Mid-Year Report with your Child: 

The Mid-Year Report provides a snapshot of student achievement to date. It shows areas of strength for subjects, as well as areas that may need greater application. The purpose of this report is to provide constructive and positive feedback, to celebrate and improve learning. 

Students in Years 7-10 may receive two reporting formats. For English, Mathematics, History, Science, HPE, Geography, The Arts, Languages and Technologies subjects, teachers report to the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards. Other subjects report to Criteria, and Religious Education report to Standards designed by Catholic Education Tasmania (CET). 

Year 7 students will receive a report for the elective subjects they have completed in Terms 1 and 2. They will then receive a report at the end of the year for the elective subjects they complete in Terms 3 and 4. 

This report should be read in conjunction with the feedback provided on MEL by your child’s teachers. The feedback provided on MEL presents a picture of the student’s learning at a given point in time, rather than at the end of a learning phase. Both types of reporting are tools for families and students to discuss, reflect upon and set learning goals together for the next steps in their education. 

We encourage you to discuss this report and MEL Feedback with your child; to review the results and to set goals. Research evidence indicates that where parents/guardians actively engage in their son/daughter’s education, student achievement improves. Education is truly a partnership endeavour. 

The explanations below may be helpful when interpreting and discussing this report with your son/daughter: 

Application to Study Ratings: These ratings will help you determine if your child is working to his/her full capacity; how they apply themselves to homework and assignments; and what commitment they give towards personal application in the classroom. 

Criteria: These are the knowledge and skill requirements in a subject. There are usually 5–10 criteria that are assessed as ‘A’ (Outstanding/Excellent achievement) to ‘t’ (Minimal achievement) or ‘z’ (No work has been received).  

Parent-Teacher Feedback Meetings 

Parent-Teacher Feedback Meetings will be held on Tuesday 6 August from 3:30pm – 6:00pm. Meeting appointment instructions are available on MEL. The meeting time allocation is 10 minutes. If you require longer with a teacher, please make an alternative appointment for another day. 

Your attendance at Parent-Teacher Feedback Meetings sends a powerful message to your child about the value you place on their education. If, on the Mid-Year Report, a teacher has indicated ‘Interview required’, we ask that you make every effort to attend a meeting to discuss any concerns the teacher may have regarding your child’s progress in that subject. 


Mrs Emily Sass 

Deputy Principal: Learning & Teaching