Year 10 Exams 

In Week 6 of Term 4, Year 10s will be sitting their exams. These are designed to provide students a ‘taste’ of an exam situation in both preparing for those who will be sitting Senior College exams in the future and also assist with developing skills and coping mechanisms for a situation where we are put under pressure. All transferable skills no matter which pathways our students end up following.  

Year 10 students have already been part of a one-hour session called “Ace Your Exams” by Elevate Education which is designed to help with preparation, managing stress, and study tips.  

Year 10 – Week 6 Schedule:   

Monday 18 November  Study Day – Option to come into the College to study 

Packages of Learning – Class work at home  

Tuesday 19 November  Exams 

Packages of Learning – Test  

Wednesday 20 November  Exams 

Packages of Learning – All day class  

Thursday 21 November 


Normal classes 
Friday 22 November  Normal classes  



Exam Schedule:   

DAY / DATE  SUBJECT  Time of Exam 
 Tuesday AM 



2 HRS 

Enter Exam Room – 8:50AM 

Reading Starts – 9:00AM 

Exam – 9:15AM – 11:15AM 

BREAK  45 MINS  11:20AM – 12:00PM 
Tuesday AM 



2 HRS 

Enter Exam Room – 12:10PM 

Reading Starts – 12:20PM 

Exam – 12:35PM – 2:35PM 

Wednesday AM 



2 HRS 

Enter Exam Room – 8:50AM 

Reading Starts – 9:00AM 

Exam – 9:15AM – 11:15AM 

BREAK  45 MINS  11:20AM – 12:00PM 
Wednesday AM 



2 HRS 

Enter Exam Room – 12:10PM 

Reading Starts – 12:20PM 

Exam – 12:35PM – 2:35PM 


During the exam days, students may wear neat, casual, warm and appropriate clothing. This is also for Packages of Learning students.    


If you would like to attend school on Monday 18 November, please register your name on the online form that will be sent to Year 10 families.   


Any students who do not attend exams will not be provided an alternative time to complete as this is not logistically possible. Thus, this assessment will not count towards their overall grade for the subject. 



Week 1  Mon – Fri  Normal classes all week (Note no 7-10 classes on Monday) 
Week 2  Mon – Fri  Normal classes all week 
Week 3  Mon-Tue  Normal Classes 
Wednesday 30 October  Internal Rating Sign Off Day 

Period 1 – Line 3 

Period 2 – Line 1 

Year 12 Principal Morning Tea 

Period 3 – Line 4 

Period 4 – Line 5 

Period 5 – Line 2 

Period 6 – Year 12 Vale Mass (MRC Chapel) Period 6 – Year 11 – Study Period 

Thursday 31 October  Year 12 Breakfast (Before School) Year 12 Activities Day offsite 

Year 11s – Normal Classes – final classes 

Friday 1 November  Period 1 and 2 – Year 12 Graduation Assembly 

Year 11s and 12s permitted to leave after Assembly 

Week 4  Monday 4 November  Commence Study Week 

Some students in Level 2 subjects will be required to attend 

to complete work this week 

Week 5  Monday 11 


TASC Exams Commence 


Week 6  Thursday 21 November  Final TASC Exams 
   Friday 22 November  Year 12 Graduation Liturgy and Function 
Week 10  Wednesday 18 December  Students results released 


 Link to TASC Year 11 and 12 Exam Timetable 


Mrs Emily Sass 

Deputy Principal: Learning & Teaching