The Children’s Book Council of Australia continues to bring together children and books across Australia through a national week of celebration called Book Week. At Marist Regional College, Book Week celebrations have evolved into a month-long festival of literature. August was LitFest Month at MRC, and we celebrated books and reading through a variety of activities and learning experiences.   

On Monday 31 July, we welcomed author/illustrator Martin Chatterton to the College for our LitFest Launch Event. He entertained Year 7 and 8 students and staff with a variety of stories and drawings and inspired us to get creative in any form we can. 

On Tuesday 15 August during extended Pastoral Care, Year 7 students competed for House Points in a series of seven Minute-To-Win-It Challenges related to books. A big thank-you to our Year 10 and SC student leaders for running the games.  

Congratulations to McAuley and Chanel for achieving equal 1st Place.  

On Monday 21 August, Year 7 and 8 Pastoral Care classes participated in the annual Kahoot Book Trivia Challenge. The top three winners from each class were awarded a prize. 

On Tuesday 22 August, Year 7 and 8 students and staff dressed up in their favourite Book Week costumes and had a blast at the LitFest Disco. Year 10 and SC Student Leaders led our Middle Years students in a variety of dances and games to celebrate Book Week. The Photo Booth captured some wonderful memories of not only costumes, but the smiles and fun students experienced at the disco. Prizes were awarded to students who participated in the costume competition to thank them for their efforts and for supporting the event. A big thank-you to Ms Maxine Neaton, Mrs Helen Cox, and Mr Damien Gale for coordinating this event.  

Here is a video of all the staff, student, and student leader costumes at the Disco. 

A group of staff and students enjoyed a book folding art activity in the Chanel atrium on Wednesday 23 August. Some beautiful designs were folded. Thank you to Mrs Jen Dent for coordinating.   

A number of competitions have been running during the month of August including the Libraries Tasmania “Design a Book Week Bookmark” coordinated by Mrs Jo Stirrat, and the “Illustrate the Line of a Book” coordinated by Miss Jess Quinn. We look forward to seeing the results of these competitions soon.   

LitFest events are part of our mission to create a culture of reading at our College, and for students to make positive associations with books and stories. It has been a wonderful opportunity for staff and students to develop positive relationships and have some fun together. 


Mrs Carolyn Winchcombe 

Middle Years Learning Area Leader (Global Connections)