Dear All 

Our final week of Term 1 has arrived, and I congratulate all the students from our new Year 7’s to our experienced Senior College students for an outstanding beginning of the school year. It is pleasing to see most students being diligent towards their studies and understanding the concept of best effort. It’s all we ask of our students no matter what their academic ability. “Give your personal best effort in all you do”. 

Whereas we have had limited parental functions in Term 1 due to Covid restrictions, we look forward to Parent-Teacher interviews in Week 1 of Term 2, Wednesday 4 May, and Week 2, Thursday 12 May, from 3.30 to 7.00pm. It is a wonderful opportunity for parents to discuss with teachers their child’s performance and progress. Term 1 Interim Reports will be available on the final day of term, Thursday 14 April via MEL. 

Holy Week – Palm Sunday – Easter Sunday 

The life, death, passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ is pivotal within our Christian Catholic faith. We lead into the most important week in the Catholic Church’s calendar, Holy Week. 

Holy Week encompasses Palm Sunday, where Christ triumphantly rode into Jerusalem, through to Holy Thursday, Christ’s last supper and betrayal by Judas, Good Friday (Christ’s death/crucifixion on the cross), and finally, Easter Sunday, Christ’s ultimate resurrection from the dead. What a week in anyone’s book!! 

It is important we understand some of the significances of these monumental occasions. Please take a moment to read this interesting reflection on Holy Week by Greg Sunter. 

Gospel Reflection by Greg Sunter 

Christianity is a faith of paradox: leadership through service; greatness through humility; and life through death. The greatest paradox of all is the paradox of the cross. The death of Jesus through the most humiliating form of capital punishment in history would appear to be exactly what the Jewish authorities hoped it would be: the end of the Jesus movement. The ignoble death of a group’s leader through public execution is usually enough to bring about the end of any movement. However, Christians know that the death of Jesus is not the end of the story.  

His resurrection, that we celebrate at Easter next weekend, is the twist in the tale that means the death of Jesus, rather than being a point of despair, in fact becomes a moment of hope. This difference of expectation is captured in the Lukan account of the crucifixion by the two criminals with whom Jesus is crucified. One joins in the mockery of Jesus, whilst the other recognises the innocence of Jesus and has faith that Jesus will enter into his kingdom. This second criminal acts as an example for all people of faith. He reminds us that those with faith still have to face death and still have to face up to the consequences of their actions, and yet the way we approach death should not be with despair, but rather with hope and confidence that we will share in Christ’s resurrection.  

The reading of the Passion narrative leaves us up in the air. It leaves us in a better position than the disciples at the time. They were downcast by what they felt was the defeat of Jesus, but we know the end of the story! We know that out of this darkness will come light and hope! 

Historical Context – Crucifixion  

The Romans used crucifixion as a deterrent against insurrection and rebellion. Not only was it an agonising death it was usually a slow, drawn-out death – taking days to die. Victims were always crucified in public settings; alongside main thoroughfares or on hilltops outside a city. The victims were left on the cross for weeks while birds and wild dogs ate their bodies. The idea of crucifixion was that nothing was left to bury as this was the ultimate domination and humiliation of the rebel. The account of Jesus dying within a few hours is very unusual.  

Scriptural context – One with the Lost  

Throughout the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is portrayed as not only the champion of the poor and outcast, but indeed being one with them. The witnesses to his birth in this gospel are lowly shepherds, not the wise men from the East. His parables and actions are addressed to the lost and the lowly. He eats with sinners and other outcasts -to the horror of Jewish leaders. Finally, at his death, Jesus is crucified as a criminal with other criminals. This gospel in particular addresses the message and ministry of Jesus to those on the margins of society. 

Please enjoy the Easter break with your families but take time to reflect on these great moments. 

Marist Star 

The Marist Star is the College’s major publication each fortnight to its parents and global community. It’s important that our immediate MRC parent body are cognisant of the activities and notices of the College. Each fortnight, excellent articles of interest are exhibited from within all areas of the school. 

Please note the following statistics that I hope will improve as the year progresses. Please encourage other parents to become regular readers of the Marist Star. All parents receive the “Star” every other Friday in even school calendar weeks. 

  • Marist Regional College Facebook 


Over 5000 followers 
  • Marist Star – Last edition, 1 April 



  • Subscribers to the Marist Star 
1.4k received the Star on Facebook 

Of that number 144 read the Star 


900 parents/guardians receive the Star by email 

783 opened the link of the last edition 


Number of people who read the articles: 

Principal’s Message – 190 

Sports Update – 67 

Global Connections Excursion – 86 

PoL Industry Excursion – 62 

Relay for Life – 53   

 The statistics tell the story. Clearly, we would like our readership to be far healthier than it is. 

Please feel free to offer advice on how we can better reach our targeted parent audience by emailing  We are in the throes of producing a College App which may prove useful for many. Keep an eye out for this development. 

Whereas Mr Viney will provide comprehensive details of recent sports events, I congratulate all those students who participated in the Interhouse Athletics Carnival last week. The level of participation and competition was very high and it was lovely seeing our new very colourful House tents on show in the middle of the oval. Congratulations to McAuley House for taking out the Interhouse Athletics Champions Shield and Chanel House as the House Spirit trophy winners. 


Winter Uniforms 

Term 2 sees all students transition into the winter uniform. Please take the time to get out the winter uniforms over the break and try them on.   

In particular, ladies, please check the length of your winter skirts – 12cm above the knee is the length of the skirt. Please adjust where necessary. Boys are to wear their uniforms with shirts tucked in. I expect all students to adhere to our Uniform Policy. I have asked the staff to monitor uniforms both male and female in the first week of Term 2. 

Any students who will be required to make adjustments will have one week to do so. It is best if this is completed over the break. 

 Staffing Changes

Gabi Woods 

We farewell Ms Gabi Woods who has been the College’s Business Manager for the past two years. Gabi’s high level of professionalism and competence was greatly appreciated. We wish her well in her new endeavours. The position of Business Manager will be advertised during the break. 

Sheryl Thornton 

We farewell Mrs Sheryl Thornton who retires from MRC after 22 years of teaching and fabulous service to the College. Sheryl will be missed by staff and student alike. We wish her all the best for the future. 

Leah Englund 

Our current SC Coordinator, Miss Leah Englund will be leaving at the beginning of Term 2 on maternity leave. We wish Leah, Matt and bub all the very best. We look forward to seeing some photos! 

Renee French 

Congratulations to Mrs Renee French who will be SC Coordinator for the remainder of the year, alongside Mr Stephen Eddington. 

Brendan Schmidt 

We bid farewell to Mr Brendan Schmidt for the second time. Brendan completes his tenure at MRC in Term helping out with SC Outdoor Education.

Taylor Reeves 

We say farewell to Mr Taylor Reeves, Teacher Assistant in VET Construction. Taylor is heading off to teach at TasTafe and we wish him all the best. 

New Staff: 

We welcome Mr Brodie Hayes, who comes onto the staff in the HPE arena. Brodie is a very competent sportsman in his own right and will bring lots of energy to the new position.  

We welcome back Miss Naomi Fenton from Long Service Leave and we thank Mr Rob Duivenvorden for his teacher relief during this time. 

 Anzac Day

We are delighted to announce that we have students and a scattering of staff representing us at ANZAC Services this year – Ulverstone, Penguin, Burnie, Somerset, Wynyard, Stanley and Smithton. 

ANZAC Day is a very special day in Australia’s calendar. Commemoration of our fallen and current active Australian Defence Forces is very important. 

Lest we forget.   

I wish you all a safe, happy and Holy break this Easter and look forward to seeing you all in Term 2. 

 Kindest regards 

Mr Noel Nethery 

Acting Principal