On Thursday of last week in our Whole School Assembly, the following students and staff were recognised for demonstrating the behaviours associated with the Marist Regional College Values of Compassion, Responsibility, Hospitality, Justice, and Respect. 

Pictured above Left to Right; 

Rhiannon Field  

Balin Russell  

Maddisson Barry 

Sophie Ettlin 

Alexander Lines 

Tayla Ollington 

Ms Rebekah Taylor 

Congratulations everyone and keep up the good work! 


Mr Sam Johnstone  

Deputy Principal: Pastoral Care and Well-Being 

“None of us is as smart as all of us.” 

What a great reminder for us to be able to work as team players. In the Middle Years, we try to focus daily on what we can achieve by working together. The students and staff provide hospitality towards one another to find the best solution when challenges arise. It takes different perspectives and personalities to be able to share ideas and decide on the best course of action moving forward. Let’s wrap our arms around those who need some extra love and support over the coming weeks.  


Ms Maxine Neaton 

Director of Middle Years