Personal Presentation & Uniforms

13 August 2020, 3:19PM

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We are incredibly proud of our students in the way they represent the College and take pride in their personal presentation at the College, including before and after the start of the school day. 

School uniforms promote school spirit because they provide students with a sense of unity. This unity brings a bond that allows students to feel closer and more connected. Wearing a uniform and following the College expectations, lets students feel united as well as bringing a sense of pride in their appearance and the College. There is a belief that having all students wear a school uniform helps create a sense of belonging and a good school ethos (culture or spirit).  

Wearing a uniform instils pride because of who you are associated with and how those who have gone before you have carried themselves. Past students from our College have set an example in a variety of areas. Whether they loved academics, arts, drama, or sport there is someone who has walked the path before the present students and held the Marist Regional College banner high. People associate with and identify students because of their uniform and school name. When you are in uniform, people will associate your behaviour as a reflection of the values that our College has.  

A school uniform and having high personal presentation expectations teaches students to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance. At Marist Regional College, we believe that these expectations also help students to prepare for when they leave school and may have to dress smartly, present in a professional way, or wear a uniform. 

We want our students to be proud of our College and show this through the neat and tidy way they wear their uniform and present themselves. We ask all our students to wear their uniform with pride and dignity and follow the personal presentation expectations.  

Therefore, to keep the standards of our College high and to create the same positive image of our College in the wider community, we are taking a pro-active approach to keeping our students in check with what they wear, how they wear it and upholding the College expectations of personal presentation.  

Our focus at this point in time: 

  • Piercings – plain earrings, no dangling earrings, no more than 2 in lobe and 1 in helix 
  • Hair – neat and tidy – long fringes off the face, mullets no longer than collar length, long hair back tied back 
  • Minimal makeup 
  • Minimal jewelry 
  • Skirt lengths (no more than a hand width above the knee in a standing position, this is about 10cm) 
  • No holes in tights 
  • Wearing shirts tucked in at all times 
  • Wearing blazers to and from school – no spray jackets unless it is raining, and these are to be worn over the blazer (no spray jackets to be worn at school unless for HPE) 

The policies for general expectations for students, student uniform and personal presentation  can be found on the MEL portal.  

We look forward to working in partnership with all our parents/guardians to support students in achieving the best outcomes possible across all areas within our College. 

Mrs Tracey Rogers  

Deputy Principal Pastoral Wellbeing